Sunday, December 21, 2008

Happy Holidays!

Bruce and Lilly would like to extend a warm Happy Holidays to all! May everyone have a healthy, wealthy, safe, and loving holiday season! Thanks for your business! Bruce and Lilly

Thursday, December 11, 2008

Weather Update

Holy cow its almost 80 degree's here today, just doesn't feel like Christmas is less then 2 weeks away! Wishing everyone a HAPPY HOLIDAY! From Bruce and Lilly at B&L RV & Mini Storage! If we can help with your storage needs please call us at 1-520-586-2379 or visit our web site at;
B&L RV & Mini Storage

Friday, October 31, 2008

Free Disc Lock *

Just remind us that you saw it on our blog and you will receive a new disc lock *when you move into one of our units. Hope this helps our customers in this turned down economy. Remember to check out our web site;

Or feel free to call us at 1-520-586-2379
Thanks for using B&L RV&Mini Storage, Bru& Lilly

Saturday, October 18, 2008

Welcome Winter Visiters

At B&L RV & Mini Storage we try to keep a good mix of sizes. Sizes to fill everyones needs. We have; 5X5, 5X10, 5X15, 8X10, 10X10, 10X15, 8X20, 10X20, 15X20 and 8X40. We can fit those few little extras you want out of the way, or that truck load of extra product you bought for your business. We offer a 10% discount when paying by the year. We offer many payment plans; Cash, check, Money Order, Visa and MasterCard*. Please check out our web page for more info.
B&L RV & Mini Storage

Or give us a call if we can help in any way. 1-520-586-2379

Monday, September 15, 2008

Tips & Tricks

Just a few things that might help from our web page;
5X5 Small personnel item, seasonal clothes. 5X10 Small furniture, record storage
5X15 Small furniture, Office record storage 8X10 and 10 X 10 Small one bedroom apartment
10X15 2 Bedroom apartment 8X20 and 10X20 2-3 Bedroom home/ small car
8X40 4-5 Bedroom home

Never Store; Collectibles, heirlooms, jewelry, works of art, furs, mounts, electronics, food, fertilizers, pesticides, firearms, explosives, perishables, candles or wax items, ammunition, contraband, batteries, fuels, flammables, odorous materials, infectious materials, hazardous or toxic materials, any living objects ( people or pets), and or any property having special or sentimental value to you.

Tip 1 - Leave proper air circulation around your items.
Tip 2 - Dust is an everyday occurrence don't use plastic to cover your items, use something breathable (old sheet )
Tip 3 - Always pack things you'll need to get at last ( saves a lot of digging )
Tip 4 - Pack small boxes in the spaces your furniture leaves ( Maximize your storage space )
Tip 5 - Know your movers, don't use strangers or non-bonded companies for moving.
Tip 6 - Make sure to give us you new address and phone number in writing.
*Please remember security starts with you. Use a good disc lock and if you ever notice anything funny or out of place please notify us or the police. Good Security means; Everyone looking out for everyone else!

Always keep your own insurance!

Wednesday, August 27, 2008

About Us!

We are family owned and reside on site. Our goal is to provide a great storage experience at a reasonable price.
Security Cameras
Onsite Owner/Manager
Daily Lock Checks
24 Hour Access
No Charge Auto Pay
w/ Visa & Mastercard
Easy Highway Access
Wide Roadways
Outside Storage for all Your Toys
Members of Arizona Self Storage Association
As Benson Arizona's leader in mini storage we are proud to offer; auto storage, boat storage, rv storage, record storage, file storage, self storage, public storage, toy storage, storage warehouse, storage shed, storage unit,and we are a 24 hour access storage facility. We have been in the self storage business for 14 years.

For more info check out our website;

Friday, August 1, 2008

Studio is Open

We now have a small display of our turned wood products on display in the office. Our favorite wood is Mesquite, great grain patterns, very strong and stable. The Powermatic lathe is great, 2hp and variable speed. Also have an old Delta/Rockwell, that has been rebuilt. Please stop by and take a look. We will post more pictures very soon. Remember for more Storage Tip's check out our web page;

Tuesday, July 1, 2008

Studio coming soon!

Some more turnings coming soon. Here's a few to look at.

Things to Remember from B&L

Never Store; Collect ables, heirlooms, jewelry, works of art, furs, mounts, electronics, food, fertilizers, pesticides, firearms, explosives, perishables, candles or wax items, ammunition, contraband, batteries, fuels, flammables, odorous materials, infectious materials, hazardous or toxic materials, any living objects ( people or pets), and or any property having special or sentimental value to you.

Tip 1 - Leave proper air circulation around your items.
Tip 2 - Dust is an everyday occurrence don't use plastic to cover your items, use something breathable (old sheet )
Tip 3 - Always pack things you'll need to get at last ( saves a lot of digging )
Tip 4 - Pack small boxes in the spaces your furniture leaves ( Maximize your storage space )
Tip 5 - Know your movers, don't use strangers or non-bonded companies for moving.
Tip 6 - Make sure to give us you new address and phone number in writing.
*Please remember security starts with you. Use a good disc lock and if you ever notice anything funny or out of place please notify us or the police. Good Security means; Everyone looking out for everyone else!


Payments* may be made in many ways;
1) Visa or MasterCard (no charge auto pay available)
2) Cash, stop and pay us.
3) Check or Money Order, you may mail it to P.O.Box 1855,Benson,AZ. 85602
or drop it off (you can drop it through the door if we aren't in the office.)
4) You can call in a payment with Visa and MasterCard. 1-520-586-2379

*Late Payments can only be made by cash or money order.

Let us know!

!) If you change your address or phone number let us know, in writing.
2) If you are moving out let us know.
3) If there is a maintenance problem let us know so we can take care of it.
4) If you have any question, please ask!
5) If you have a payment problem, let us know!

5X5 Small personnel item, seasonal clothes. 5X10 Small furniture, record storage
5X15 Small furniture, Office record storage 8X10 and 10 X 10 Small one bedroom apartment
10X15 2 Bedroom apartment 8X20 and 10X20 2-3 Bedroom home/ small car
8X40 4-5 Bedroom home

Tuesday, May 27, 2008

It's Getting Hot

Remember summer is coming, don't store anything that can be effected by heat. Never Store; Collectibles, heirlooms, jewelry, works of art, furs, mounts, electronics, food, fertilizers, pesticides, firearms, explosives, perishables, candles or wax items, ammunition, contraband, batteries, fuels, flammables, odorous materials, infectious materials, hazardous or toxic materials, any living objects ( people or pets), and or any property having special or sentimental value to you.

Tip 1 - Leave proper air circulation around your items.
Tip 2 - Dust is an everyday occurrence don't use plastic to cover your items, use something breathable (old sheet )
Tip 3 - Always pack things you'll need to get at last ( saves a lot of digging )
Tip 4 - Pack small boxes in the spaces your furniture leaves ( Maximize your storage space )
Tip 5 - Know your movers, don't use strangers or non-bonded companies for moving.
Tip 6 - Make sure to give us you new address and phone number in writing.
*Please remember security starts with you. Use a good disc lock and if you ever notice anything funny or out of place please notify us or the police. Good Security means; Everyone looking out for everyone else!

More Studio Pieces

Mesquite winged bowl and mesquite lidded dish.

Saturday, May 24, 2008

B&L Studio About to Open

B&L Storage is opening a new studio soon ( with in the next few months). We will be working in mostly; mesquite , palo verde, pine, pepper tree, and iron wood. This is a picture of a 9" mesquite crotch or winged bowl, about 3" tall.

Tuesday, April 15, 2008

We are not seeing any rain today (Sunny 90*)

This is a shot from last year! Didn't find a pot of gold in the back yard, but it was very pretty!
Going to be sunny and 90 degree's today. Gotta Love It!!!!! Remember to check out the rest of the blog posts and our website for more info;
Please call if you have any questions 1-520-586-2379
Remember the best bang for the buck is a good disc lock, and security is everyone's concern (If it doesn't look right let someone know (Us or the police) What a novel idea everyone watching out for everyone else. Please be careful we do have a young child living on property please keep your speed down.....Thanks Bruce and Lilly

Monday, April 14, 2008

It's getting warm out here!

This is a list of things you shouldn't store;
Never Store; Collectibles, heirlooms, jewelry, works of art, furs, mounts, electronics, food, fertilizers, pesticides, firearms, explosives, perishables, candles or wax items, ammunition, contraband, batteries, fuels, flammables, odorous materials, infectious materials, hazardous or toxic materials, any living objects ( people or pets), and or any property having special or sentimental value to you.
Remember use common sense, heat will effect curtain items. Be careful err on the side of caution. If you wonder about it call, or store it in a regulated environment.
Please remember no pets, we do put out poison and spray for bugs.
This is a great time of year, the flowers, and everything is active.
Remember to check out our website;
Or feel free to call us at 1-520-586-2379

Monday, March 17, 2008

Going to be a pretty Spring

We got a little snow last night, awoke to white mountains. Very pretty sight, everything was white. Thankfully it only lasted till 10am when the sun came out. Flowers should be coming soon, everything was already blooming. Day before the snow it was 84 degrees.
Now its time for spring cleaning. If you need storage please call (520) 586-2379
For more info check out our web site;

Thursday, March 6, 2008

Time to Review

I hate posting the same info, but.....
5X5 Small personnel item, seasonal clothes. 5X10 Small furniture, record storage
5X15 Small furniture, Office record storage 8X10 and 10 X 10 Small one bedroom apartment
10X15 2 Bedroom apartment 8X20 and 10X20 2-3 Bedroom home/ small car
8X40 4-5 Bedroom home

Never Store; Collectibles, heirlooms, jewelry, works of art, furs, mounts, electronics, food, fertilizers, pesticides, firearms, explosives, perishables, candles or wax items, ammunition, contraband, batteries, fuels, flammables, odorous materials, infectious materials, hazardous or toxic materials, any living objects ( people or pets), and or any property having special or sentimental value to you.

Tip 1 - Leave proper air circulation around your items.
Tip 2 - Dust is an everyday occurrence don't use plastic to cover your items, use something breathable (old sheet )
Tip 3 - Always pack things you'll need to get at last ( saves a lot of digging )
Tip 4 - Pack small boxes in the spaces your furniture leaves ( Maximize your storage space )
Tip 5 - Know your movers, don't use strangers or non-bonded companies for moving.
Tip 6 - Make sure to give us you new address and phone number in writing.
*Please remember security starts with you. Use a good disc lock and if you ever notice anything funny or out of place please notify us or the police. Good Security means; Everyone looking out for everyone else!
For more info check out our web site; blstorage.comPlease call us @ 1-520-586-2379 with any questions. Thanks for all your business! Bruce and Lilly

Friday, February 29, 2008

Type's of Storage

Storage comes in many flavors;
1.Temporary where your moving and need to store your items for a set period of time.
2.Permanent where you just need extra space.
3.Vehicle storage, you need a place for the RV or project car, boat etc...
4.Commercial storage where you might want the security of off site storage or you just need the extra space.

Each of these problems require different solutions. Check out our web site for more suggestions
1.Temporary storage, go for the best bang for the buck, get the smallest unit you can fit your items into. You know its only in there for 8-9 weeks so you won't have to be searching through it to get at needed items. Temporary storage plan on moving it in and than moving it out.
2.Permanent storage, think how many items do I need to access? Go with a larger unit, makes your searches much easier. When packing unit separate areas Christmas stuff, seasonal items, yard care items, what ever your storing keep similar items together, makes searching much easier.
3.Vehicle is easy decide if you want inside or outside storage, think of car covers and pest control.
4.Commercial storage the best suggestion I can make is go with the largest unit you can afford. You will expand, your inventory will always change. One month you need a 10X10 the next a 15X20. You really don't want to move sheds all the time, so go for a large one. Many commercial users start with one shed and within months have 3 large units.

Remember these are generalized statements each and everyone situation is different, these are general suggestions. If you know you don't need to access your items go for a smaller unit. If you need to get at your stuff go for the larger unit, it really saves a lot of head aches. Don't forget a good Disc lock and insurance (check with your homeowners or renters policy to see if off premise storage is covered, if not use a service like SAFESTOR) We do have a lot more info on our web site;
If you need help contact use;
B & L RV & Mini Storage
1080 W. 4th St.
Benson, AZ 85602

We are Benson Arizona's leader in storage, sizes range from 5X5 to 8X40 we try to fit your every need. We live on site, you have 24/7 access to your unit, we have security cameras and a DVR recorder, and we do daily lock checks. Remember mention this blog and receive a free disc lock when you move in. Check out our web site for more idea's...B&L RV & Mini Storage

Saturday, January 26, 2008

Benson is Growing

Our small town is growing up. We have been in Benson since 1987, what a change. We have a lot of Fast Food, Safeway, Walmart, Ace, and a lot more on the way. Benson Hospital is even growing, they expanded the emergency room. Every week a property rezoning is posted, or a new large business is announced in the local paper.
Benson is still a great place to live and work. Winter visitors still swell the population every winter. More seem to stay year round every year. We have such fabulous weather.
Benson Schools are very active, the kids enjoy many activities. Lots of sports, clubs, 4-H,to keep the kids busy.
Remember if you are moving to Benson and need storage call us at 1-520-586-2379.
Please check out the web site at;
Our family is ready to help with your storage needs.

Monday, January 21, 2008


Hopefully it will post the picture this time.

Weather is Great

Cool at night, warm during the day mid 70's. Remember not to store anything that can freeze. This is great weather to organize the garage or spare bedroom. Give your wife the room she deserves, rent a storage space to store the extras life brings us. Remember to check out our web .......Thought I would share this photo with everyone.

Wednesday, January 9, 2008

Happy New Year

Time to clean up and organize. Make the wife happy clean out the back room, organize the garage. Really a garage is where you park the car. If you need extra space give us a call. 520-586-2379 We are B&L RV & Mini StorageJust click the link to see our web page. Its a new year, organize, clear out the clutter, clean up the driveway (we have room for your RV, boat, project car, trailer, camper, 4- Wheelers) Hope everyone has a Great New Year. Thanks from Bruce and Lilly for making last year so great. Happy Wishes to All!